Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Thursday, March 31, 2016

TODDLER APPROVED: Baked Salmon, Herb and Butter Rice and Avocado, Corn Salad

Yum Yum!

My son loves rice. I use Rice-A-Roni, Herb & Butter Blend because the boys love it and who can argue with that!
Follow the box directions (approx 30 mins)

Bi-Lo actually has decent cuts of Salmon for not too expensive... Publix does as well. 
All you need is a lemon, tin foil, some herbs, garlic (minced) and butter!

Preheat oven to 365 degrees.
In a sauce pan, melt butter and mix minced garlic (use just a pinch) and herbs of your choosing. ( I used thyme, basil, salt & pepper)
In the meantime ready a foil packet for salmon. (coat with non-stick spray, lay salmon fillets on top... top salmon with lemon slices)
Pour melted butter mixture over salmon and close foil packet.
Place in oven for 15-20 mins. 

Make a salad...
I chose to use avocado, corn, grape tomatoes and fresh greens! 

I am a mixer, I like to mix everything on my plate into one bite every time. This was perfect for that. The salad tasted good with the rice, the rice tasted good with the salmon, everything tasted great together and I loved it. 

P.S. If you get a late night craving... eating the leftover salad with avocado is just as filling as a grilled cheese but way better for your body. Just saying! 

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