Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Happy 2015! I hope this post finds my readers, healthy and happy!

These are my current favorite things! Some old, some new.

MOMMY - I love being a mom to my sweet son! Its the best thing in the world!
AVOCADOS - obsessed with this super food
YOGA - My new favorite thing for my body and mind
WINE - Need I explain?!

With that being said, in order to be the best MOMMY & wife I can be, I need to be HEALTHY!
I'm not a big fan of the New Year's "Resolution", but for me this is as good a time as any to set some new goals for myself. Let's see... I want to lead a healthier lifestyle in general... for me, for Ashton, for our family. I have decided to make a few changes to get that healthy lifestyle I desire...

*Eating healthy and clean daily, with the exception of the occasional "spike" or "cheat" meal (I gotta get my pizza fix every now & then) This means lots of AVOCADOS for me!!

*And I am diving head first into YOGA!


I have tried working out in a gym, I have tried working with a trainer, I have tried Zumba, I have tried running, I have tried so many things and just had no results. I have a few friends that have seen amazing results with yoga, and seen not only physical results, but psychological as well. Yoga is a great Stress reducer, helps keep Anxiety at bay, allows your body to get stronger, leaner, more flexible, helps keep your all aspects of your body healthier, even the brain. It has only been about 4 weeks, and I am already seeing results... about an inch off my waist (I have been eating healthy too), my body is sore in a good way, I don't feel defeated, beat up, exhausted. I feel motivated, more in tune with my body and what it can do, and I am having FUN! I don't dread my "workout". I look forward to it! I joined a Yoga Studio and am taking classes 4 times a week. I also meet with a lovely Yogi, Melody Lown, once a week privately which is AWESOME! Just having a couple hours a week for me, to do something I enjoy is really beneficial to my happiness. I really think YOGA is a game changer for me!

“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.“ Mahatma Gandhi

Eating healthy and clean hasn't been as hard as it has in the past. I have definitely tried this before and failed miserably. This time I have been trying to look forward to my healthy meals, and really try to see how the food makes me feel. Have I gained energy? Do I feel good? I have been cooking new recipes, making oldies but goodies more healthy. I have cut my portions in half. The first week was hard, but it seems to get easier every week. I don't beat myself up if I have a cheat meal, its just one meal and has not set me back to ground zero. I cut out soda. And I am much more careful about my alcohol intake. Yoga has been cutting into time I would normally drink WINE anyway.

Now, don't get me wrong, I really LOVE my WINE. I'm sure many of you feel the same. I have a few glasses of red wine a couple times a week, but trust me this is much less than I used to. I have also tried to enjoy the wonderful taste of the WINE more and say to myself "This delicious glass of wine is a treat to yourself for doing so well keeping your goals this week." It is a treat not a must!

I have lost about 8lbs in almost 4 weeks, that may not sound like much, but I can see and feel my body changing which you can't read on a scale. I have more energy, I'm happier, even my skin has been clear and vibrant, I am less stressed, motivated, and my brain even feels sharper.

All of this I am doing for myself, and of course Ashton and my husband. I want to be Healthy and Happy for them. They need me! I will try to keep my blog updated with how I am doing. It will be interesting to see how these changes continue to transform my body and mind over time. I will try to post some pictures of my Yoga adventures as well :) 2015 is the year of a new and improved, healthy and happy ME!

Namaste... "I bow to the divine in you"

*Here is one of my favorite Avocado eats... found via pinterest. Love! Such an easy snack or lunch. YUM!

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