Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Where I've been hiding... my life in a nutshell!

I'm back! I have been sooo busy the past few months, and have totally been neglecting my poor blog. Needless to say, I have been itching to do a little writing & blogging. I have been working full time during the day (mon-fri), on mommy duty until Ashton goes to bed every evening, and treasuring every moment of my weekends. I have recently been shooting a lot of Boudoir photos which is soooo much fun, and I love it. Only down side is that some of my clients either don't want me to post any of their photos (completely understandable) or I have to wait due to Wedding Boudoir to post. I have an October wedding that I can't wait to shoot. I absolutely LOVE Fall Weddings so needless to say I'm pretty excited about this one! So thats a little update on where Ive been hiding the last few months!

Now for my favorite subject... ASHTON! I simply cannot believe my little stud is almost a year old. 
He is days away from taking his first steps. He crawls and pulls up just about anywhere and on anything. He is quite the climber, climbing up onto couches, chairs, boxes, tables, stairs (with supervision) and is constantly on the go. Loves tight spaces, behind the couch, inside boxes, under tables, etc... too funny. He plows through at least 2 full jars of baby food a day, one at breakfast, lunch & then a yogurt when he gets home from daycare. Daycare has been AMAZING for him. I seriously never thought those words would leave my lips but its true. He has been going to daycare for a little over a month and since has slept better (through the night & in his crib), he is eating better (more baby food & feeding himself), he's more independent, more social, playing great with other kids, and just overall a happier baby! Ashton is a gentle, snuggly, happy, playful little boy and Stephen and I just feel really blessed to have such an easygoing baby... I suppose he is almost a toddler at this point, Geez where has the time gone?! 

With all that said I have many recipes that I have been trying and perfecting for healthy eating for us adults and toddlers... posts to come! Along with any photo sneak peeks I am allowed to post :) Hope all you readers are well and happy!

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