Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Ashton's Bedtime Songs" A Playlist of my Own Heart

Ashton loves all kinds of music, from the music he hears on cartoons, to the tunes I play in the car. He even enjoys watching American Idol with me, at least Id like to think he does! 

I sing to him every night and I have a playlist, well more of a mental playlist, of songs I like to sing to him. I slow some of them down and speed some of them up, but all have some sort of sentimental value to me. He only gets through two or three songs before he falls asleep so the songs I end up singing to him probably reflect my mood more than anything. 

I realize this list is all over the place as far as genres go, but none the less they are the songs come to mind most often while rocking Ashton in the glider, the only light coming from a projection of sea creatures on the ceiling which also brings the peaceful sounds of the ocean. 

I hope you enjoy the songs in the list of "Ashton's Bedtime Songs" and the reasonings behind them. 

Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchell
When I was little my mom loved and still loves Joni Mitchell. She would belt her songs out in the car while my brother, Dylan and I were in the backseat. Needless to say, I learned every word, but this song was always my favorite.

Desperado - The Eagles
When I hear this song, I hear my dads voice. He sang this song to me almost every night he was home. His job required him to travel about 50% of the time so when he was home I knew I would hear this song without a doubt.

Glitter in the Air - Pink
I loved this song ever since I saw Pink perform, twirling, suspended in the air, at the Grammy's in 2010. It was so captivating. After listening to it over & over, the lyrics are really beautiful. The song to me is about appreciating the little things in life. Pink, you ROCK!

Sweet Child of Mine - Guns & Roses
This one is just a classic. Self explanatory, right?

Satellite - Dave Matthews Band
Dave Matthews Band was the first concert I ever went to. I just happened to go with Stephen when we were 17. They played this song at that concert. Not to mention, my mom loved to sing DMB while we were in the car! We go way back.

I miss you - Incubus
Stephen introduced me to Incubus also when was 17 & this was/is our song when we have to be away from each other. Anything that reminds me of our love for each other I love to sing to Ashton. 

The Only Exception - Paramore
Ive been a big Paramore fan for a long time. The Only Exception really hit home for me because it reminded me about the feelings I had after my parents divorce, but it is song about hope. True love does exist.

Who you Love - John Mayer & Katy Perry
Not only is this song a lovely duet, but describes love between two people as something you just can't help. You just got to love a good duet.

Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
Who doesn't like some Bob Marley? Every kid needs a little Bob in their life. When Stephen and I were on our honeymoon in Jamaica, we experienced these three little birds. At 3am every morning. We weren't as thrilled about them as Bob Marley, but still the song reminds me of one of the best times of my life.

Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
This is another song about the little things in life. Everyone has times in their lives when they get caught up in work, the hustle & bustle, and anything else that life throws at you. Sometimes you just need a day to just stop and smell the roses or in this case banana pancakes. 

Well, its bedtime for my little man so I am off to sing him some songs. Not sure which few it will be tonight but based on my mood, Im thinking Glitter in the Air & Banana Pancakes. Good night or if you read this tomorrow, Good Morning!
With Love, Paige

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