Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Resurrection of my Buried Business

Almost 3 years ago I started this blog right after Stephen and I got married. I was ready to make Paige Phillips Photography a lucrative business. At least, I thought I was. Naturally, the finances after the wedding were a wee bit tight so working full time as a waitress took all my time and energy, letting photography fall to the wayside yet again.

After years of late nights in the restaurant industry, spontaneous photo sessions, many a night filled with too much alcohol consumption, fun times and some not so fun times (but memories none the less), and a little traveling (including a trip to Cancun, wink wink) here I am resurrecting this blog on my bed with a 4 month old baby boy in my lap. I couldn't be more thrilled with this scenario. 

Not only am I resurrecting this blog, but Paige Phillips Photography. It is slow going because staying home with a baby is a full time job, but it is a job I love. Slowly but surely I am pulling Paige Phillips Photography from the ground where I had buried it. Buried under piles & piles of excuses, doubt & lack of motivation. 

With a fresh new look, experience I have gained over the past few years, new equipment & an entirely new sense of motivation, Paige Phillips Photography is on the verge of being reborn. I appreciate all my friends and family that have supported me through the ups & downs of my photography, and always believed in my talent.

Not only will this blog keep you updated on my photography business, but also my journey in becoming the mom I want to be & a few other dreams I am pursuing along the way. Look forward to photos, recipes, stories about parenthood, confessionals & lessons I'm learning along the way! Thank you for your support! 
Love, Paige

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