Paige Phillips Photography & Design

Sunday, February 12, 2017

My Healthy Pregnancy & Birth Story

Let me start by saying... I have learned that you DO have control over how much weight you gain during pregnancy.

Yes, there are certain conditions that make you gain more weight than average while pregnant so I realize that not everyone has 100% control. My first pregnancy being a good example of that. I gained 40 pounds and it took me over a year to gain control of my weight again through a lifestyle change. 

But this is not about my first pregnancy. 
This is about how I had a beautiful, healthy second pregnancy while only gaining about 11.5 pounds. 

NO WAY you say... I am not exaggerating.

Everyone has a different body, shape, genes, etc. so the amount you gain will vary. I am 5' 6" with an average, athletic build. 
How did I do it?


I practiced healthy eating habits before I became pregnant and I literally did not change a thing. 

No, I did not diet. I despise the word diet. Delete it from your vocabulary because it does not work.

No, I did not add 300 calories per day for baby.

No, I did not eat for two.

No, I did not eliminate everything from that ridiculous (Do Not Eat While Pregnant List).

So, what did you do?

I literally ate healthy, small portions several times a day.

I cooked 90% of my meals at home with fresh ingredients. (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

I snacked on healthy snacks. (fruit, cheeses, vegetables, lean proteins, etc.)

I did not deprive my body of the things it craved. Simply cooked it myself or only ate a little bit of the item I was craving. (If I craved pizza... I ate only 1 maybe 2 slices for example)

The only thing I limited was alcohol, but I did not deprive myself. I allowed myself 1 to 2 glasses of wine, spaced apart, with food. (There is some debate on if this is safe or not, I did my research and decided it was safe in my opinion. I have had two healthy babies.) I cook and for me wine is part of the cooking/dining process. I actually found that drinking wine here and there in the evenings helped me curve my cravings for the less healthy desserts many women crave while pregnant or in general. This helped me control the calories I consumed after 6pm. 

All part of my MODERATION theory. 

Indulge but not too much. Craving an Italian Grinder from Bellacinos? Eat half and save the other half or share. In the mood for Lasagna? Eat a small portion and portion the rest for freezer lunches or dinners later.

I mainly eat lean proteins. (Chicken, Fish, Pork, occasional red meat) Vegetables. Healthy Starches (sweet potatoes, rice, whole grain breads or pastas) all with controlled portions. Little to no sodium. 

These eating habits I have and continue to maintain.

Thats it? Just healthy eating habits?

Nope,  drink lots of water, no soda or sugary drinks & STAY ACTIVE!

Being active is crucial. This is easy for me. I have a 3 year old. 

It was tough in the first trimester of pregnancy to be active when I was totally and completely drained of energy, but I had to keep up with my son because well, he just wasn't tired.

Go for walks, get out and about, go swimming, get outdoors, keep up with cleaning and normal tasks, stretch daily, and exercise when you can (I did small workouts here and there but thats it). I work from home and I stand up at my computer up on a shelf. Just keep moving. Be active. 

I gained about a pound a month this way. My doctor always said the baby was growing perfectly so keep it up. The last month I gained almost a pound a week. I did it. It wasn't always easy, but I maintained and I am thanking myself now! You can do it too! 

I started my pregnancy at 177 pounds (I have an athletic, muscular build, not skinny, not heavy, average). Gave birth at 188.5 pounds. I am 5.5 weeks postpartum and I have lost nearly 30 healthy pounds while breastfeeding, eating about 7 times per day and drinking more water than I have ever had in my life and am 157.5 pounds which I haven't weighed since my early 20's. I still have a long way to go to meet my goals, but I have an amazing jump start into my healthy body.

I have to mention that Breastfeeding is really helping and although its not always easy the rewards are totally worth it if you are thinking about giving it a go.

Now, for the birth story...

Having a healthy body and pregnancy doesn't always mean having the baby is going to go smoothly, but for me I think it certainly helped. 

I was induced on December 27th 2016 with Pitocin at 8am. I had my water broken by the doctor about 45 minutes later. Around 9:45am with steady contractions I had an epidural. At 10:45am I was 8cm dilated. I began pushing at 11:22am and had my beautiful baby boy at 11:26am. 
6 pounds 10oz, 18.5 inches long, and healthy as can be. 

Yes, I labored for a little over 3 hours and pushed for 4 minutes. 

The epidural allowed me to feel pressure but not pain. I could feel my baby's little body, his head, his shoulders, the placenta. I was able to push without discomfort and a smile on my face. If it hadn't have happened so fast I totally would have pulled a "Kourtney Kardashian" and pulled him out myself. I was that in tune to what was happening. It was the most beautiful experience, and I want people to know that not every labor experience is intense or horrible. I want people to know that it can be beautiful and smooth, natural and peaceful even with an induction, epidural & in a hospital.

Dr. Janis Keeton... I highly recommend her! She delivered both my babies and several friends as well!

Good thing Boone thought to put cheese puffs in Ashton's Big Brother gift because he was so overwhelmed by the situation that he just sat there, wide eyed, cramming cheese puffs in his mouth. This photo really catches that moment. 

I hope anyone who reads this, pregnant or planning to be, realizes that every pregnancy is different, but there are things you can do to make your life during and after pregnancy easier, and to some extent you are in control of your body even when it doesn't feel like it. I didn't always think I could do it and definitely had the support of my family and friends along the way. I wish you the smoothest and happiest of pregnancies and mommy hood, and am always here if you need a cheerleader! 

A very happy Mommy of 2 healthy boys :)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Logo Design : Candice Samuels Photography

I have been designing everything from logos to Holiday Greeting Cards and Save the Dates! Here is the latest logo for my dear friend and go to second shooter, Candice Evans Samuels!!